
Lowongan Kerja - Academic Staff - Masuk Kampus

Specialized for Mathematics
Deadline 5 Oktober 2020

Job Description
Menyusun dan atau menyunting soal - soal UTBK SBMPTN pada bidang Matematika

  1. Pendidikan Sarjana dari PTN Jurusan Matematika
  2. Memiliki IPK minimal 3.00 dari skala 4.00
  3. Usia maksimal 30 tahun
  4. Memiliki kemampuan analisis dan problem solving yang baik
  5. Memiliki pengalaman mengajar pada tempat les/ bimbel
  6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor (work from home selama pandemi Covid - 19)
Kirim CV ke email recruitment@masukkampus.com
Subjek: Matematika MK
WA: 0878 7999 9396

Specialized for English
Deadline 5 Oktober 2020

Job Description
Composing and/ or editing practice test question for Computer - based university entrance test (UTBK) SBMPTN specialized for English Subject

  1. Hold a bachelor degree from state university (PTN) in any related field, English Literature major would be a plus
  2. A minimum TOEFL of 550/ IELTS 6
  3. A minimum GPA of 3.00 out 4.00
  4. A maximum of 30 - years - old - age
  5. Have good analytical and problem - solving skills
  6. Have teaching experience in private tutoring agencies (Bimbel)
  7. Willing to be placed in Bogor (work from home during Covid - 19 pandemic)
Submit your CV to email recruitment@masukkampus.com
Subject English MK
WA: 0878 7999 9396

Ref Loker Bogor https://ift.tt/33KjqQl

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