Specialized for Mathematics
Deadline 5 Oktober 2020
Job Description
Menyusun dan atau menyunting soal - soal UTBK SBMPTN pada bidang Matematika
- Pendidikan Sarjana dari PTN Jurusan Matematika
- Memiliki IPK minimal 3.00 dari skala 4.00
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Memiliki kemampuan analisis dan problem solving yang baik
- Memiliki pengalaman mengajar pada tempat les/ bimbel
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor (work from home selama pandemi Covid - 19)
Kirim CV ke email
Subjek: Matematika MK
WA: 0878 7999 9396
Specialized for English
Deadline 5 Oktober 2020
Job Description
Composing and/ or editing practice test question for Computer - based university entrance test (UTBK) SBMPTN specialized for English Subject
- Hold a bachelor degree from state university (PTN) in any related field, English Literature major would be a plus
- A minimum TOEFL of 550/ IELTS 6
- A minimum GPA of 3.00 out 4.00
- A maximum of 30 - years - old - age
- Have good analytical and problem - solving skills
- Have teaching experience in private tutoring agencies (Bimbel)
- Willing to be placed in Bogor (work from home during Covid - 19 pandemic)
Submit your CV to email
Subject English MK
WA: 0878 7999 9396
Ref Loker Bogor